Personal Mentorship by Alexander Volchek

👥I have helped numerous people in various fields and have led different mentoring and guidance groups for a long time. I have acted as a partner or mentor, working with company owners, their top management, partners, or employees. At the same time, I have also been a student myself, exploring new approaches. Many people have learned through my methods, and I feel like part of a large system where I serve as a mentor to hundreds, if not thousands of people, including personal and spiritual guidance.

Currently, I lead business mentorship groups for company owners and also engage in personal spiritualmentorship. This is my inner state and desire, my element. I have the ability to see a person’s current condition and help them take the next step. I also have a strong grasp of various business situations, allowing me to make complex decisions quickly and easily, finding the right path. For me, it’s crucial to see a broad range of possibilities and make decisions not only with an eye on the near future but also looking further ahead. My ability to see the bigger picture helps me guide and direct others effectively.

Александр Волчек Alexander Volchek

Everything in mentorship depends on its type. There are programs without specific goals or expectations. But there are also those where the tasks are clearly defined. For example, the goal might be for the client to stop engaging in day-to-day operations, to normalize internal company conflicts, to increase net profit or revenue by a factor of 10, to open a business in new countries, to preserve the business during a crisis, to resolve conflicts with clients or partners, to enhance the company’s recognition and reputation, to acquire new professional skills, to launch new business lines, to strengthen operations, to withdraw from company management, to achieve freedom or confidence in the business, to create relaxation areas, to deepen involvement in the work process, to transform corporate culture, to establish the right partnerships, or to develop effective strategies. It is also important to choose the correct legal and contractual framework, set up the interaction model, determine the right technologies, and secure financing.

👥I can offer a wide range of solutions; sometimes deep exploration or assistance in creation and action is required. In some cases, motivating people is needed, while in others, precise, concrete steps are necessary. The right perspective on a situation, an additional opinion, can be worth millions. In certain situations, experience is needed to build the structure or architecture of a technological solution.

In my business mentorship practice, the most valuable thing I can offer is helping a person see and feel their current state. This allows them to take the most appropriate next step in terms of action and development.

In the realm of personal mentorship, I strive to help a person get as close to themselves as possible, to learn to listen more broadly, to understand truthfully and fully. I help in making decisions not just based on a month’s worth of experience or the current problem, but also in seeing deeper causes as well as surface-level issues. It’s important to make decisions holistically, to develop holistically, to listen to oneself holistically, rather than relying on a narrow perception.

My goal is to help clients see both the superficial and profound aspects of their lives and businesses, so they can make well-thought-out, comprehensive decisions that foster their holistic development.

👥When it comes to mentorship, there really isn’t a clear-cut case of when you should or shouldn’t reach out to me. I believe that if a person feels even the slightest impulse or desire to try, that alone is sufficient reason. It’s important to pay attention to your internal aspirations, even if they come with resistance.

Under any circumstances, if there’s an opportunity for mentorship, I would recommend giving it a try. Personally, I would be happy to go through such a process with myself if it were possible. I’m interested in people who are willing to search and discover new facets within themselves, to unlock their potential both in business and in their personal lives.

Александр Волчек Alexander Volchek

So, my mentorship is suitable for those who are ready for self-discovery and growth, who are seeking new paths and are prepared to face resistance for the sake of progress and change. If you are looking for simple and quick solutions, my approach may not be the most appropriate.

Format: Online; Offline (California, USA or off-site involvement).

Various thoughts on mentorship